Our Family
Genealogy Pages
1608 - 1693 (85 years)
Name |
Edmund HAWES [1] |
Born |
1608 |
Solihull, Warwickshire, England [1] |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
09 Jun 1693 |
Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts [1] |
Person ID |
I895 |
Sturgis |
Last Modified |
2 Oct 2004 |
Family |
Lucy, d. 16 Jul 1689, Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts |
Married |
Y [1] |
Children |
| 1. John HAWES, b. Bef 1640, Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts , d. 11 Nov 1701, Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts (Age > 61 years) |
Last Modified |
14 Oct 2018 |
Family ID |
F58 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Notes |
- On or about 5 Apr 1635, he, along with 52 other adventurous men and boys, along with their wives and children, set sail from Southampton on the ship "James" of London. The Master was William Cooper and the ship was of 300 tons. The ship arrived in Boston, MA 3 June 1635 after a journey of 8 weeks. [1]
- See NEHGS Register V.65, p.160 for info on "English Ancestors of Edmond Hawes of Yarmouth, Mass."
- From: The Great Migration Begins:
(Vol. 12)
ORIGIN: London.
MIGRATION: 1635 on the James of Southampton (on or about 5 April 1635, "Edmund Hawes, cutler, late of London," was included in the passenger list of the James, about to sail from Southampton for New England [Drake's Founders 56]).
REMOVES: Yarmouth 1643.
OCCUPATION: Cutler (in England) (on 14 February 1626[/7?], "Edmond Hawes, son of Edmond Hawes of Solihull in the County of Warwick, gentleman," was bound as an apprentice in the Company of Cutlers [Edmond Hawes Gen 136, citing Company of Cutlers, "Book of Apprentices' Bindings, 1575-1626, p. 106"]; on 9 December 1634, "Edmund Hawes, the apprentice of Edmund Warnet sworn free cutler" [Edmond Hawes Gen 137, citing Company of Cutlers, "Minute Book of the Court of Assistants, 1602-1667, folio 285a"]).
FREEMAN: In Duxbury section of 1639 Plymouth Colony oath of fidelity list (name crossed out) [PCR 8:182]. Admitted freeman 3 March 1644/5 and then added to the Yarmouth section of the 1639 Plymouth Colony list of freemen [PCR 2:80, 8:176]. In Yarmouth section of 1658, 29 May 1670 and 4 June 1689 Plymouth Colony lists of freemen [PCR 5:276, 8:200, 206].
OFFICES: Deputy for Yarmouth to Plymouth Colony General Court, 28 October 1645, 3 March 1645/6, 7 July 1646, 1 June 1647, 7 June 1648, 8 June 1649, 5 June 1651, 7 June 1653, 7 March 1653/4, 6 June 1654, 1 August 1654, 8 June 1655, 3 June 1656, 3 June 1657, 1 June 1658, 3 October 1659, 6 June 1660 (absent), 2 October 1660, 4 June 1661, 7 June 1665, 3 June 1674, 1 June 1675 [PCR 2:94, 95, 104, 117, 123, 144, 168, 3:32, 44, 49, 63, 79, 99, 115, 135, 170, 187, 198, 214, 4:90, 5:144, 165]. Plymouth Colony auditor of accounts, 10 June 1658, 16 June 1664, 9 June 1665, 7 June 1674 [PCR 8:93, 110, 113, 141]. Committee on excise, 2 June 1646, 7 July 1646, 1 June 1647, 7 June 1648, 8 June 1664, 3 October 1665 [PCR 2:101, 105, 116, 125, 4:67, 105]. Commissioner for the Kennebec trade, 5 March 1655/6, 6 October 1659 [PCR 3:96, 171]. Committee on purchase of Indian lands, 14 May 1658 [PCR 3:146]. Council of War, 2 April 1667, 29 February 1675/6 [PCR 4:146, 5:186]. Petit jury, 7 June 1642, 6 June 1650 [PCR 7:31, 49]. Grand jury, 5 June 1644 [PCR 2:71].
Duxbury constable, 1 March 1641/2, 7 June 1642 [PCR 2:34, 40].
Yarmouth selectman, 6 March 1665/6, 5 June 1666, 5 June 1667, 3 June 1668, 7 June 1670, 5 June 1671, 5 June 1672, 3 June 1673, 3 June 1674, 1 June 1675, 7 June 1676, 5 June 1677, 3 June 1679, 1 June 1680, 7 June 1681, 6 June 1682, 6 June 1683, 2 June 1685 [PCR 4:117, 124, 150, 182, 5:35, 57, 92, 113, 143, 164, 195, 230, 6:10, 35, 59, 84, 108, 168]. Constable, 7 June 1659 [PCR 3:163, 173].
EDUCATION: Signed his will. His inventory included "a Bible and other books" valued at 10s. [BarnPR 1:83-85].
ESTATE: On 2 October 1637, "ten acres of upland are granted to Edmond Hawes, lying cross Greens Harbor Path" [PCR 1:66]. On 10 September 1641, "Edmond Hawes of Duxborrow" sold to "Robert Carver of the same, sawyer, ... all those his ten acres of upland lying cross Green's Harbor path" (annotated "This bargain is reversed by consent of both parties in June the 7th 1648") [PCR 12:75].
On 1 April 1639, "Edmond Howes, for upland & meadow," was in a list of "such as requested lands this Court" [PCR 1:120]. On 2 November 1640, "Edmond Hawes is granted thirty acres next Daniell Cole's lands, beyond the South River, with meadow land to it, if it be there to be had" [PCR 1:165]. On 8 June 1649, "Mr. Edmound Hawes of Yarmouth" sold to "Mr. Thomas Burne of Marshfeild a certain parcel of upland being in Marshfeild aforesaid lying on the north side of the South River estimated at about thirty acres" [PCR 12:174-75].
On 14 May 1648, as part of the resolution of land disputes at Yarmouth, "Mr. Hawes shall enjoy 8 acres of upland or thereabouts, in the West Field, which he bought of Goodman Chase," and "Robert Dennis shall enjoy 12 acres of land which he bought of Peeter Worden, and 10 acres of Mr. Hawes, and 7 acres of Mr. Hallott, and 4 acres there given him by the town" [PCR 2:128].
Granted a portion of "a certain tract of land at Mannamoiett" which had been purchased from the Indians, 7 June 1665 [PCR 4:96, 102].
In his will, dated 5 May 1692 and proved 20 July 1693, "Edmond Hawes of Yarmouth" bequeathed to "my grandson Joseph Hawes six acres of my land ... and also one-half of my island of sedge or creek thatch land which lies in the Lone Tree Creek ..., also one acre of my meadow where his father shall see cause to lay it forth to him"; to "my natural son John Hawes all my uplands & meadows and broken marshes or creek thatch land wheresoever within the township of Yarmouth or elsewhere"; to "my loving daughter Desire Hawes the wife of my said son John Hawes," moveables; to "my granddaughter Desire Hawes," moveables; to "my granddaughter Elizabeth Dogged one cow"; to "my granddaughter Mary Bacon one cow"; to "my grandson Jabez Hawes one cow"; to "my grandson John Hawes ... one two-year old and one young horse if his brother Edmond don't come again, but if Edmond his brother do come again I do give said young horse to him"; to "my grandson Ebenezer Hawes ... one yearling"; to "my two grandchildren Isaac and Benjamin ... to each of them one calf"; to "my grandchild Experience ... one sheep"; "the rest of my sheep my will is that my executor do divide them to my great-grandchildren in such proportions as he shall think fit"; to "John Hathaway of Yarmouth thirty shillings which he oweth to me by a bill I have of his hand"; "my well beloved son John Hawes to be sole executor" [BarnPR 1:83; MD 19:43-44; Edmond Hawes Gen 140-41]. A codicil of 31 March 1693 made an adjustment to the bequest to "my grandson Joseph Hawes" [BarnPR 1:84; MD 19:44; Edmond Hawes Gen 142].
The inventory of the estate of "Mr. Edmond Haws of Yarmouth ... deceased," taken 1 August 1693, totalled ?130 7s., of which ?100 was real estate: "house, lands and meadows," ?100 [BarnPR 1:85; MD 19:44; Edmond Hawes Gen 142-43].
BIRTH: Bp. Solihull, Warwickshire, 15 October 1612, son of Edmond Hawes [Edmond Hawes Gen 63].
DEATH: Yarmouth 9 June 1693, and buried the following day [YarVR 1:129].
MARRIAGE: By about 1636 _____ _____.
i JOHN HAWES, b. say 1636; m. Barnstable 7 October 1661 Desire Gorham [MD 5:72], daughter of John and Desire (Howland) Gorham and granddaughter of JOHN HOWLAND [GMB 2:1022; Howland Gen 1:13-14; MD ].
COMMENTS: Pope states that this immigrant was of "Plymouth, proprietor 2 Oct. 1637" [Pope 221]. The date is that of a grant of land "lying cross Greens Harbor Path" [PCR 1:66]. This piece of land lay on the north side of Duxbury, toward the area that would later become Marshfield. There is no evidence that Edmond Hawes resided in Plymouth, and, although he owned land in Marshfield, there is no evidence that he ever resided there either.
The last record for Edmond Hawes in Duxbury was dated 7 June 1642 [PCR 2:40], and the first record in Yarmouth was dated 3 March 1644/5 [PCR 2:80]. Interestingly, he does not appear in either town in the 1643 Plymouth Colony list of men able to bear arms. He may have been absent from Plymouth Colony during this period, or he may have been excused because of some disability. A third possibility is that his date of removal from one town to the other occurred very close to the time that the 1643 list was compiled, which may have led to his omission by both towns. With this in mind, we place his migration from Duxbury to Yarmouth in 1643.
On 7 August 1638, "Edmond Hawes, of Duxborrow, yeoman," posted bond as security for Thomas Boardman of Sandwich [PCR 1:94]. (Some sources have given the name of the wife of Edmond Hawes as Lucy, but this is based on a misreading of the above record, which shows that as the name of the wife of Thomas Boardman.)
On 7 June 1648, "Mr. Edmond Haws presenting a parcel of weights to the Court, to be the standard for the weights of Yarmouth, the Court do allow them so to be" [PCR 2:126].
BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: In 1914 James Williams Hawes published a genealogy of this immigrant and his descendants, with extensive information on the English origin, including the apprenticeship in London, and with full transcripts of many important documents [Edmond Hawes of Yarmouth, Massachusetts, an Emigrant to America in 1635, His Ancestors ...] (cited above as Edmond Hawes Gen). [2]
Sources |
- [S43] Edmond Hawes Genealogy, Hawes, Raymond G., (Gateway Press, Inc, Baltimore, MD, 2000).
- [S45] Great Migration Begins, Anderson, Robert C., (New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1995).