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" *JOHN, Portsmouth, [[vol. 4, p. 331]] 1638, and on the list of freem. there 1655, had w. Mary, to wh. in his will of 1650, Anthony Paine had giv. a leacy, for wh. her h. gave discharge to testator's relict by name of Rose Weeden, and for sec. w. he m. 7 Sept. 1665, Susann, d. of John Anthony the first of the same, had Susanna, b. 1 Oct. 1667; Mary, 9 Dec. 1670; John, 9 July 1673; Othaniel, 5 June 1676; Benjamin, 21 Feb. 1678; and Lot, 26 Dec. 1684; was rep. 1656 and 1672, Alice m. 26 Jan. 1671, Willaim Hall' Isbell m. 4 Mar. 1675, Samson Shearman; Martha m. 3 Feb. 1681, Samuel Shearman; and Susanna m. 20 Jan. 1687, Thomas Potter. " | TRIPP, John (I969)
2 |
" JOHN, Plymouth, [[vol. 4, p. 303]] perhaps br. of Edward, came with w. and one ch. Elizabeth in the Mayflower, 1620, and all (it was believ. by Shurtleff in Geneal. Reg. I. 52) d. next winter. But his d. Elizabeth wh. m. John Howland outliv. all her fellow passeng. exc. three wh. were younger. " | TILLEY, John (I466)
3 |
" JOSEPH, Eastham, s. of William, m. 1 1684, Elizabeth Howes, had Elizabeth b. l Jan. 1685; Mary, 7 July 1687." | MERRICK, Joseph (I927)
4 |
" NICHOLAS, Plymouth, one of the first comers, being passeng. in the Ann 1623, m. Constance, (by. wondr. error in Geneal Reg. XIV. 89, call. Elizabeth) d. of Stephen Hopkins, one of the blessed comp. of the Mayflower, had Mark, b. 9 May 1628; and eleven other ch. s. and ds. bef. 1650. He rem. to Eastham in 1654, was rep. 1650, and 2, and aft. rem. 1657. Date of his d. is 15 Nov. 1676, and of his wid. Oct. 1677. " | SNOW, Nicholas (I607)
5 |
" PETER, Nantucket, s. of the first John, went early from Watertown, prob. with Thomas Mayhew, to the Vineyard, m. Mary Morrill, bestow. great pains in teach. the Ind. as successor to Mayhew, and rem. a. 1663, to the isl. where his name has ever since been in high regard, had Eleazur, b. a 1648; and John, a. 1659, beside seven ds. Joanna wh. m. John Coleman; Bethia, wh. m. 25 Feb. 1669, John Barnard, and with him was drown. 6 June foll. when her younger br. Eleazur was saved; Dorcas, wh. m. Joseph Pratt; Bathshua, wh. m. Joseph Pope of Salem vill.; Patience, wh. m. Ebenezer Harker, and next, James Gardner; Experience, wh. m. John Swain, jr. He d. 1690, and his wid. Mary d. 1704. His youngest ch. Abiah, b. 15 Aug. 1667, m. Josiah Franklin as his sec. w. and was mo. of the celebr. Benjamin, wh. in his geneal. inq. was led to infer that the fam. was Flemish, and came to Eng. in the days of Elizabeth Some verses by him, occasion. by Philip's war, under the whimsic. title of Looking-Glass for the Times, [[vol. 2, p. 178]] print. after ninety yrs. circulat. in MS. are sought for sometimes, less for poetical value, than bibliogr. curiosity." | FOLGER, Peter I (I843)
6 |
" RICHARD, Salem 1643, s. perhaps, of first Thomas, liv. there 1666, went next yr. to Nantucket. Bef. rem. he, by w. Sarah, prob. a. of Samuel Shattuck, had Joseph; Sarah; Richard, b. 23 Oct. 1653; Deborah, 12 Dec. 1658; Damaris, 21 Nov. 1662; and James, 19 May 1664; beside Miriam; Nathaniel, 16 Nov. 1669; Hope; and Love, 2 May 1672. Of the last d. I see no more, but hear that she was first w. of Jams Coffin the sec. of N. and early d. without issue; but Sarah m. Eleazer Folger; Deborah m. John Macy, and next Stephen Pease; Miriam m. John Worth; and Hope m. John Coffin; and the f. d. 23 Jan. 1689. His wid. Sarah d. 1724, aged above 92 yrs. " | GARDNER, Richard I (I839)
7 |
" SAMUEL, Scituate, from Tenterden in Kent, came in the Hercules of Sandwich, 1635, with w. Sarah, and four ch. Thomas, the future Gov. Susanna, Mary, and Sarah. His w. join. the ch. 30 Aug. 1635, had Elizabeth bapt. next Sunday; Samuel, 4 Feb. 1638, d. soon; Samuel, again, 10 Feb. 1639, d. soon; rem. 1640, to Barnstable, where he had Samuel, 24 July 1642, by Deane call. Sarah; and John, 26 May 1644, bef. ment. beside one d. bur. 8 July 1640, unbapt. and tw. ch. also bur. 1641. His w. d. 18 Aug. 1656; and he m. 15 Dec. 1657, Bridget, perhaps d. but more prob. wid. of [[vol. 2, p. 425]]
Robert Bodfish, and d. 31 Oct. 1662. His d. Sarah m. 12 Dec. 1649, Henry Cobb, as 2d w. and Elizabeth m. 15 July 1657, Elisha Parker. Other ds. nam. in his will are Susanna, and Mary, wh. were both m." | HINCKLEY, Samuel (I915)
8 |
" STEPHEN, Plymouth, came in the Ann, 1623, with w. Tryphosa (wh. he m. at Leyden, 2 Jan. 1621, when the Dutch rec. has the name Trifasa, and [[vol. 4, p. 321]] surname illegib.) and one ch. prob. Sarah, counted in the div. of lds. in the ensuing spr. for three heads, and in the div. of cattle 1627, ano. ch. Rebecca is count. had Ruth, Mary, and John, b. 1633; in 1645 was of Duxbury, and in 1650, or near that, went home in the early part of 1655 call. hims. of Great Yarmouth, by his will, made in London, of wh. John Winslow was made excor. names the five ch. to wh. he gives all his prop. so that we must presume the w. was d. Sarah m. George Partridge. *THOMAS, Salem 1637, carpenter, rem. soon to Saybrook, thence in few yrs. to Wethersfield, or Hartford, perhaps both, but at last took up perman. resid. at Norwich, of wh. he was one of the parent. rep. 1662, and almost always aft. ensign long, and lieut. His eldest ch. was John; other ch. he had, as Caulkins, p. 112 shows; Jonathan; Thomas; Solomon; Daniel, b. a. 1653; Samuel; and Miriam, wh. m. Nov. 1668, Thomas Waterman. He was Commissary in Philip's war. " | TRACY, Stephen (I694)
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" THOMAS, Ipswich 1636, had come in the Hopewell, capt. Babb, from London, in the autumn of 1635, hav. engag. his pass. 28 July, then call, his age 30, with w. Mary, 30, and s. Thomas, 1 yr. and first sat down at Dorchester, but at I. had Mary, b. 26 or 29 Sept. 1636; Nathaniel, 15 Mar. 1640; Esther, 21 Mar. 1641; and Martha, 16 Mar. 1644; was sw. freem. 7 Sept. 1638, and d. 8 June 1671, leav. wid. Mary, and ch. Thomas, Nathaniel, and Mary. His wid. d. Dec. 1685. Esther m. 8 Oct. 1665, the sec. Daniel Hovey. T" | TREADWELL, Mary (I954)
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" THOMAS, Newbury, came, it is said, from Chilmark, Co. Wilts, freem. 6 Sept. 1639, m. Sarah Hopcot, wh. d. 1706, aged 94, rem. to Salisbury, had Sarah, b. 9 July 1644, d. young; Sarah, again, 1 Aug. 1646; Mary, 4 Dec. 1648; and Thomas, 22 Sept. 1653; was rep. 1664, rem. to Nantucket a. 1659, being there one of the first sett. had six ch. and d. 19 June 1672, or Apr. 1682, by other acco. in 74th yr. Coffin's Newbury; Holmes's Ann.; Macy's Nantucket, 13-18. His wid. d. 1706, aged 94; d. Sarah m. 11 Apr. 1665, William Worth; Mary m. 11 Apr. 1669, William Bunker; and Bethia m. 30 Mar. 1670, Joseph Gardner, Thomas jr. d. 3 Dec. 1675." | MACY, Thomas (I837)
11 |
" THOMAS, Salem, was first at Cape Ann, employ. by the project. of sett. to oversee fishery, 1624 or 5, and rem. with Conant, freem. 17 May 1637, rep. same yr. It is said, on what ground I kn. not, that he was from Scotland; but to me it seems much more likely, that he was from Sherborne in N. part of Co. Dorset. Ten other ch. he had, by his first w. Margaret Fryer, beside Seeth, bapt. 25 Dec. 1636 (wh. m. I believe, the sec. Joseph Grafton); as, Thomas, Richard, George, John, Samuel, Joseph, Sarah, Elizabeth Bethia, and Miriam, for some of wh. the prob. is stronger than for others. Only six s. with three ds. are nam. in his will of 7 Dec. 1668. Sarah was w. of Benjamin Balch, it is thot. and Miriam of a Hill; and Margaret, wh. was rec. of the ch. 1689, may have been his w. He had sec. w. Damaris Shattuck, a wid. from Eng. wh. d. 28 Nov. 1674, and d. 29 Dec. 1674. " | GARDNER, Thomas (I1457)
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" TRISTRAM, Nantucket, b. it is said, at Brixton, near Plymouth, Co. Deron, a. 1605, or by ano. rept. 1609, s. of Peter and Joanna, m. Dionis Stevens, had Peter, b. 1631; Tristram, 1632; Elizabeth; James, 12 Aug. 1640; and John; after d. of his f. came, 1612, to N. E. bring. beside the bef. ment. childr. his mo. (wh. d. May 1661, aged 77), two sis. Eunice, wh. m. William Butler, and Mary, wh. m. Alexander Adams of Boston; sat down, first, at Salisbury, soon rem. to Haverhill, where his youngest ch. d. had Mary, b. 20 Feb. 1645; and John, again, 13 Dec. 1647; rem. a. 1618, to Newbury, where Stephen was b. 10 May 1652; again rem. to Salisbury, there was a county magistr. and finally rem. 1660, to Nantucket with his aged mo. w. and four ch. and d. [[vol. 1, p. 420]] 2 or 3 Oct. 1681. His d. Elizabeth m. 13 Nov. 1651, and d. 19 Nov. 1678; and Mary m. at Nantucket Nathaniel Starbuck, had six ch. and d. 1717. " | COFFIN, Tristram (I818)
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" WILLIAM, Plymouth 1643, is by fam. tradit. said to have come from Colchester, Co. Essex, had in Mar. 1637 been serv. or apprent. to John Osborn Jr. and perhaps ch. of by the Ct. in 1645 made guardn. of the childr. of C. By w. Elizabeth wh. d. 28 Apr. 1648, he had only ch. John, bef. ment. aft. wh. he m. 18 Mar. 1652, Hannah Pratt, had Sarah, b. 5 Oct. 1653; Samuel, 14 Jan. 1655; William; Isaac; Ebenezer; Martha; Hannah, and Mercy; but these six of unkno. dates or order; was propound. in June 1653 for freem. and adm. next June; was good public serv., surveyor of highways, gr. juror 1657, and aft. in 1660 liv. at Dartmouth, was a town offic. in 1663, and d. 1684. " | SPOONER, William (I1456)
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"11th of 11th mo., 1756-John Powell, of North Castle, son of Moses, and Elizabeth Kipp, of the manor of Phillipsburgh, daughter of Benjamin."
New York Genealogical and Biographical Record - Jan 1872 p 45 et seq.
Contributed by REV. CHARLES W. BAIRD, of Rye, N. Y. | Family F99
15 |
"A newpaper article in the East Oregonian on the occasion of her 89th Birthday in 1912, states that Grandma Fish had been the mother of ten children, four of whom were living; 16 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren." | BULL, Berintha Lydia (I430)
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"age 75 years" | HOWES, Thomas (I925)
17 |
"AMES, Newbury, s. of the first Tristram b. in Eng. 1 or 12 Aug. 1640, liv. some yrs. at Dover, perhaps bef. m. 3 Dec. 1663, Mary, d. of John Severance of Salisbury, had Mary, bapt. 18 Apr. 1665, rem. to Nantucket, there had Ebenezer, b. 30 Mar. 1678; Joseph, 4 Feb. 1680; Benjamin, 28 Aug. 1683; and Jonathan, 28 Aug. 1692; beside sev. others, prob. earlier, by fam. tradit. in all fourteen ch. and d. 28 July 1720. He was twelve yrs. judge of Pro. progenit. of the late admiral, Sir Isaac, and d. 28 July 1720. " | COFFIN, James (I831)
18 |
"As second marriage, married Governor Thomas Prence as his fourth wife." | BURR, Mary (I926)
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"Benjamin Kip, bp. 24 May 1714 in Newtown, Long Island, NY, son of Jesse Kip and Maria Stevens, married Dorothy Davenport." | KIP, Benjamin (I753)
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"Brother Joe Basset raised horses on a farm in Birmingham, Mich." Recollection of Margaret M. Sturgis | BINCET DITE BASSETT, Marie Victoire (I480)
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"BROWNELL, GEORGE, Portsmouth, R. I. s. of Thomas of the same, m. 4 Dec. 1673, Susanna, d. of Richard Pierce had Susanna, b. 25. Jan. 1676; Sarah, 14 June 1681; Mary, 8 Dec. 1683; Martha, 18 Feb. 1686; Thomas, 1 June 1688; Joseph, 5 Dec. 1690; Wait, 3 Oct. 1693; and Stephen, 3 Dec. 1695. THOMAS, Portsmouth R. I. a freem. 1655" | BROWNELL, Ann Sarah (I758)
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"David Sturgis, son of Jonathan, lived at West Gorham on the farm which had been his father's. He married Betsy, daughter of William and Sarah Paine." | STURGIS, David (I431)
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"Died in childbirth." | BATCHELDER, Mary (I564)
24 |
"EDWARD, Plymouth, b. perhaps 1592, at Chichester, Co. Sussex, came in the Ann, 1623, and m. after 1627, as is presum. Lydia, d. of Robert Hicks, had Rebecca; John; Sarah; Jonathan, b. 1640; Lydia; Hannah; Joshua; Bethia, 28 May 1650; Mercy, and Apphia, tw. 15 Oct. 1651. He had rem. with Gov. Prence, 1644, to Eastham, was a shipwright, and direct. the labor, says a reasona. tradit. on the first vessel built in the Col. tho. earlier ones had been launch. in Mass. was rep. 1647, and sev. other yrs. d. 1677, in his will of that yr. 19 Oct. pro. 5 Mar. 1678, furnish. evid. to us, that all his ch. were then liv. exc. Rebecca, wh. had m. 26 Oct. 1654 Jonathan Sparrow, and left childr. Sarah m. 1656, Thomas Howes; Lydia m. 24 Dec. 1661, Benjamin Higgins; Hannah m. 30 Apr. 1662, John Doane; Bethia m. Gershom Hall of Harwich; Mercy m. 28 Dec. 1670, Stephen Merrick; and Apphia m. the same day, prob. John Knowles, and next Joseph Atwood. No certainty is attaina. as to order of births of most of these ch. " | BANGS, Edward (I949)
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"From 1930 Census:
Walter Shell, 17th St., Detroit
Timothy McCarthy a.80 bp. Vermont; Father's bp. Irish Free State; Mother's bp. Irrish Free State.
Timothy McCarthy a.31 bp. Michigan; Father's bp. Vermont; Mother's bp. Canada French" | MCCARTHY, Timothy (I479)
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"GABRIEL, Malden, had w. Margaret, nam. in his will 1 Feb. 1654, prob. 4 Apr. foll. HENRY, Yarmouth 1643, of wh. no other ment. is ever found, but that he m. 25 Jan. 1648, tho. the rec. is too much worn to be sure of his w. yet if he were f. or even br. of Catharine, wh. m. Oct. 1639, Giles Hopkins, it would be observa. Sarah W. b. 21 June 1650, may have been his d." | WHELDEN, Gabriel (I952)
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"GEORGE, Ipswich, s. of William, a Hugenot in Eng. liv. at Topsfield after m. with Jane Godfrey, and there was drown. 26 May 1658. His wid. gave inv. of L300. 20 June foll. At the date of his d. the ch. were Elizabeth aged 12; William, 10; Mary, 6; Ann, 4; and Martha, 1 and 1/2. His wid. soon m. Richard Swain, went to Nantucket with those ch. and she d. 31 Oct. 1662, the earliest, in rec. of d. on that isl. Elizabeth m. Thomas Look; Mary m. Stephen Coffin, Ann m. Joseph Coleman; and Martha m. 8 Oct. 1676, Stephen Hussey. " | BUNKER, George (I835)
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"He crossed the continent with his parents in 1871, and the family located near what is now the city of Athena, in Umatilla county, Oregon, where his father engaged in the sheep business. Mercantile life, however, had greater attractions for the younger man, and he soon secured a clerkship in Walla Walla, Washington, later removing to Weston, Oregon, where he became manager of the large general merchandise store of Saling & Reese, one of the pioneer concerns of Eastern Oregon." (The Centennial History of Oregon, p 356) | STURGIS, Samuel Paine (I407)
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"He lived to a great age for his will was not probated until March 2, 1762 (Book 12, p.255)."
"He lived in Boston about 1750 according to a London letter of April 3, 1750 to Samuel Sturgis Esqre., Boston (Bourne Papers)." | STURGIS, Samuel (I455)
30 |
"He married for his second wife 3d Nov. 1648, the widow (of Hugh Hyllier) Rose Hyllier of Yarmouth." | HYLLIER, Rose (I472)
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"He moved to Connecticut with his father. He m. Deborah Wadley. They moved to Gorham, Maine about 1747." | CRESSEY, John (I556)
32 |
"He was one of the signers of the compact entered into in Portsmouth, April 30, 1639." | TRIPP, John (I969)
33 |
"HENRY, Yarmouth 1641, rem. to Plymouth, by w. Elizabeth m. 9 July 1647, had Mary, b. 13 Mar. 1649, wh. d. at 2 yrs. Samuel, 24 Feb. 1652, wh. d. young; Isaac, 15 June 1654, d. young; rem. to Eastham, there had Isaac, again, 14 June 1657; and his w. d. 14 Mar. 1662. He m. 25 Mar. 1664, Bethia Linnell, had Desire, 7 May [[vol. 1, p. 74]] 1665; John, 15 Dec. 1666, d. young; Nathaniel, 25 Dec. 1667; Joseph, 4 Mar. 1669; Thomas, 19 June 1671; John, again, 6 Aug. 1674; Mercy, 24 Nov. 1676; and Samuel, again, 25 June 1679." | ATKINS, Henry (I1123)
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"His ear-mark is of record in Portsmouth, June 3, 1678. Her married (1) Mary Lawton of George of Portsmouth. She probably died soon without issue. Married (2) Elizabeth ------. | TRIPP, James (I977)
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"HUGH, Barnstable, and been of Yarmouth, 1639, there by w. Rose had Deborah, b. 20 Oct. 1643; and Samuel, 30 July 1646; and d. in short time after. His wid. m. 3 Nov. 1648, Thomas Huckins." | HYLLIER, Rose (I472)
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"In 1871 the family left Iowa for Ogden, Utah, then followed the historic old Oregon Trail until they came to the spot where Weston now stands." | JONES, Jane (I426)
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"In 1878 he went to Grimes County, Texas, and after one year went to Bonham Texas, where he was employed for two years, part of the time in raising cotton, and the balance of the time in teaching school. In the Fall of 1880 he returned to Tennessee, and was a student for two years in Brownhill Academy. On Thanksgiving day, 1882 he started for Oregon, but stopped off in Texas where he taught school for three months. He then continued his journey as far as Los Angeles, where he spent six weeks with an Uncle. From there he went to San Francisco and then to Portland, and in June 1883, arrived in Pendleton. (Centennial History of Oregon, p.367) | SMITH, Edgar Leslie (I421)
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"John Bull was born in England ca. 1677 and removed to Jamestown (RI) ca. 1707 when he desired liberty to live in the town if he could get a house. His request was granted, if he be in no way troublesome to the town. He m. 1707 Mary, b. 8 Jan 1687, dau. of Josiah and Mary (Willimason) Closson. His children were born in Jmaestown and North Kingston, RI." | BULL, John (I745)
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"John Cressey was b. in Beverly, Mass., July 31, 1721, m. about 1745 Deborah, dau. of Captain Amos Wadleigh of Boston. He and his wife moved to Narragansett No. 7, a grant to the soldiers who fought in King Philip's war in 1675. This grant is now the town of Gorham, Maine, incorporated in 1764. They settled west of ``Little River'' in 1747, cleared some of the forest land and built a log cabin for their home. Later he exchanged places for a 30-acre lot, No. 53, not far from ``Fort Hill,'' where he made a permanent home. This was in the time of the French and Indian war. It was not safe for anyone to remain outside the fort at night. They lived in constant fear of the war whoop, the tomahawk, and the scalping knife. His wife would often act as spy while her husband was at work in the clearing with gun at hand to protect him from the wily savage. The fort was built in 1745 on the most elevated land in Gorham. A tablet on a boulder now marks the spot on ``Fort Hill.'' The early settlers did not feel secure until General Wolfe and his army won the victory at Quebec in 1759. During the dangerous times public worship was held in the fort. He was a tanner and shoemaker for the early settlers. In 1772 he cut 20 tons of hay. The farm is still in the Cressey name. He and his wife were members of the early First Parish Congregational Church. He d. in 1785 at 64. She d. in 1796 at 75." | CRESSEY, John (I556)
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"John Cressey, the eldest son of John, married, Dec. 1, 1770, Susanna McDonald, who was probably the sister of Charles McDonald. Soon after his marriage Mr. Cressey purchased a farm in Buxton, near what was formerly called Spruce Swamp, now Groveville, where by industry and prudence he brought up a family, and left a good farm, which is still owned by his descendants. Two of his children, Daniel and Betsey, were born in Gorham; Daniel married Elizabeth Harding of Baldwin, and Betsey married Edmund Watson. Another of his sons, Benjamin, was captured in a privateer during the War of 1812, and for some time held a prisoner in Dartmoor Prison. Mr. Cressey died Dec. 23, 1842, in Buxton." | CRESSEY, John Wadleigh (I554)
41 |
"John Wallace was wounded on the 17th and departed this life Oct. 18th, 1793 at the ford of Hightower and Rose. (This must have been Grandmother Edington's father.)" | WALLACE, John (I550)
42 |
"JOHN, Dartmouth, eldest s. of the first William, and his only ch. by first w. wh. d. Apr. 1648; but he was prob. b. serv. yrs. bef. tho. the fam. geneal. gives no precise informat. exc. that he had John, b. 2 July 1668; and that by ano. w. (the bapt. or fam. name of either is not seen) he had William, 11 May 1680; Jonathan, 24 Aug. 1681; Elizabeth 19 June 1683; Eleanor, 1 Feb. 1685; Phebe, 11 May 1687; Nathan, 21 Sept. 1689; Rebecca, 8 Oct. 1691; Deborah, 10 Aug. 1694; and Barnabas, 5 Feb. 1699. His brs. Samuel and William are nam. with hims. and s. John in the orig. deed to the fifty-six grantees of the town, from William Bradford, 13 Nov. 1694. " | SPOONER, John (I1455)
43 |
"JOHN, Eastham, s. of Richard, m. 26 Oct. 1604, Rebecca, d. of Edward Bangs, wh. d. bef. her f.; had Rebecca, b. 30 Oct. 1650; John, 2 Nov. 1606; Priscilla, 13 Feb. 1608; Mary, 10 Mar. 1659; Apphia, 11 Dec. 1660, d. at 2 mos.; Jonathan, 9 July 1665; Richard, 17 Mar. 1670; and he m. 2d w. Hannah, wid. of Nathaniel Mayo, d. of Gov. Thomas Prence; for third w. had Sarah, wid. of James Cobb, d. of George Lewis, m. 23 Nov. 1698; was capt. rep. 1668, and 18 yrs. foll. and under new chart. 1692. " | SPARROW, Captain Jonathan (I579)
44 |
"JOHN, Plymouth, of the ever honored passeng. wh. came in the Mayflower 1620 the latest surviv. exc. John Alden, among the adult males; tho. a minor d. of lsaac Allerton, Mary, wh. m. Elder Thomas Cushman, liv. more than 78 yrs. after the landing. He was a serv. or attend. of Gov. Carver, yet he is in rank the thirteenth signer of the Covenant, 11 Nov. and was reckon. as part of the fam. of Gov. Carver, wh. gave occasion, no doubt, to the vain tradit. prevail. for the last century and a half that his w. Elizabeth was d. of the Gov. who, perhaps, never had a ch. certain. brot. none. Both the Gov. and his w. d. in the first season, and Howland, at the time of their arr. 28 yrs. old, m. Elizabeth d. of John Tilley (wh. with his w. a. soon after landing, leav. only this ch.), we are hardly permit. to doubt, early in 1621, as his ch. John, b. 24 Feb. 1627, and Desire are nam. at the div. of cattle 1627, and he seems to have counted as many heads at the partit. of lds. 1623-4. For correction of the long prevalent error, that he m. a d. of Gov. Carver, we are indebted to Bradford's Hist. formerly part of the N. E. Library of Prince, in the tower of O. s. ch. at Boston, discov. 1855, in the Library of the Bp. of London at Fulham. He was an assist. 3 yrs. so early as 1633-5, and often a rep. and d. 23 Feb. 1673, aged more than 80, and his wid. d. 21 Dec. 1687, aged 80. His will, of 29 Mar 1672, names ten ch. we may hope in the order of b. of each sex, but we are ign. of the exact dates or sequence of any, exc. that John is by it call. eldest, and Isaac, youngest, Jabez, and Joseph; Desire, wh. was [[vol. 2, p. 480]] the first ch. m. 1643, John Gorham and d. 13 Oct. 1683 Hope, w. of John Chipman, as early as 1646; Elizabeth m. 13 Sept. 1649 Ephraim Hicks, and 10 July 1651, John Dickenson; Lydia, w. of James Brown of Swanzey; Hannah, m. a Bosworth, Nathaniel, as by the scrupulous writer of the life of the late John Howland, p. 11, is said and in his will she is nam. Bosworth; and Ruth, m. 7 or 17 Nov. 1664, Thomas Cushman, s. of the Elder. " | HOWLAND, Captain John (I464)
45 |
"JOHN, Portsmouth, R. I. one of the freem. 1655, and may have rem. to Providence; but tho. to denote the earliest resid. at first I built on conject. too slight to be ment. yet for his coming we have perfect kn. that he took o. of alleg. and suprem. 24 Mar. 1634, with intent to emb. in the Mary and John, but was delay. for passage in the Hercules a few days after. He had liv. in the beautif. village of Hempstead, near London, and d. 28 July 1675, aged 68. In his will, made 5 days bef. he names his ch. John, Joseph, Abraham, Susanna, w. of John Tripp, and Elizabeth w. of James Greene. His wid. Frances d. 12 Oct. 1692. " | ANTHONY, John (I1450)
46 |
"JOHN, Salem 1638, perhaps earlier, had gr. of ld. 1639, was the freem. of 13 May 1640, is by tradit. said to be from Dorsetsh. but more prob. was that tailor from Canterbury, Co. Kent, wh. came in 1636, perhaps br. of Henry, bef. ment. by w. Mary had at S. John, bapt. Jan. 1639, d. at 7 yrs.; Mary, Sept. 1640; Abigail, 12 Feb. 1643; Hannah, 23 June 1644, d. soon; Hannah, again, 25 May 1645; John, again, 23 June 1650; and Joseph, 8 May 1653; and d. 13 Nov. 1675, his w. Elizabeth hav. a. three days bef. unless some confus. of name exist in the report. In his will of 1673, w. Elizabeth s. John, and Joseph, d. Hannah Corning, and gr. ch. John Cressy are ment. " | BATCHELDER, John (I565)
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"JOHN, Salisbury, one of the orig. proprs. freem. 17 May 1637, bef. that town was sett.; by first w. Abigail had Samuel, b. 19 Sept. 1637, wh. d. young; Ebenezer, 7 Mar. 1639 (wh. d. 1667, unm. in his will of 22 Aug. 1665 giv. three brs. and two sis. all his est.); Abigail, 7 Jan. 1641, d. in few wks.; Abigail, again, 25 May 1643; Mary, 5 Aug. 1645; John, 24 Nov. 1647; Joseph, 14 Feb. 1650; Elizabeth 8 Apr. 1652, d. soon; Benjamin, Jan. 1654; EIiz. again, 17 June 1658, d. at four yrs.; and his w. d. 17 June 1658, as did a tw. d. five days aft. His sec. w. was Susanna, wid. of Henry Ambrose, and he d. 9 Apr. 1682, hav. made his will two days bef. Mary m. Dec. 1663, James Coffin of Nantucket." | SEVERANCE, John (I833)
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"John, the eldest son, who settled in Gorham, was born July 31, 1721, and was about twenty-five or twenty-six years old when, about 1747, he married Deborah, daughter of Capt. Amos Wadley of Boston. He came to Gorham when his son John was an infant, and settled first on the hundred acre lot, 69, or 70, west of Little river, near where David Warren lately lived. From thence having exchanged farms with Chas. McDonald he moved to the thirty acre lot, 53, where he lived a part of the time during the Indian war.
Mr. Cressey built his first house on the above-named thirty acre lot, near where Charles Cressey's cider house now stands. At the time of his coming to Gorham, 1749, Or 1750, the Indians in consequence of their many defeats had become less troublesome, though they were often seen, singly or in small parties, but committed but little depredation, as the settlers had become better armed and more wary. Nevertheless, many of the settlers who were near enough made the fort their home during the night. Such was the case with Mr. Cressey. Although his name does not appear with those who made the fort their home during the Indian war, the fact is that he did so most of the time with his wife and children, always going to the fort to spend the nights. He had a road across lots direct to the fort, which was a short half mile from his clearing. The first land he cleared was in front of his log house, on the thirty acre lot, 53. Here he would work, while his wife and her son John would sit on a stump with the gun by her side in order to give the alarm, should the Indians appear. At one time, while husband and wife were thus situated, an Indian came upon them. Discovering Mr. Cressey at work, and not seeing his wife, he crept stealthily toward Mr. Cressey, with his tomahawk raised and knife ready, not being armed with a gun. Mrs. Cressey sat with her gun in her hand, with fear and trembling. When the enemy got quite near to her husband she could bear it no longer, his danger overcame her fear. She rose up and called out to him, at the same time pointing her gun toward the Indian, who thought it prudent to beat a hasty retreat, for the savages had had several lessons that had taught them that the "white squaws " were not bad shots. Here the couple lived and toiled. Mrs. Cressey, although reared in the city of Boston, and never having known what hard work was, took hold resolutely with her husband, taking care of the house and aiding in the field, helping him in the toilsome work of cutting and piling up the partially burned logs in order to clear the land for crops, often not knowing from whence the next meal of victuals was to come. Sometimes there was not a particle of food in their house, nor did they know where they could obtain any. Such was the case one day when they were at work on their land. The season was advancing; their crops must be in; if they were to raise anything they had no time to spare, they must work, and then hunt for food. While thus at work, nearly dead for want of food, Mrs. Cressey found a partridge nest, with thirteen eggs in it., This was good fortune, and when their day's work was done they had a good square supper of partridge eggs on which to go to rest. Bread was hard to be got. When they first came into town they could occasionally procure game when their work would allow them time for hunting and when they thought the Indians were not prowling around.
Mr. Cressey died in 1785, and his wife Deborah, in 1796." | CRESSEY, John (I556)
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"JOHN, Watertown, had gr. of house lot of six acres, but rem. to Edgartown. He came from Norwich, Co. Norf. 1635, Coffin says, in the same ship with Rev. Hugh Peter, with s. Peter (b. as tradit. says, in 1618), and that his w. was Meribah Gibbs. She outliv. by three yrs. at least this h. wh. d. a. 1660. " | FOLGER, John (I847)
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"Jonathan Sturgis was a Revolutionary soldier, and enlisted in April, 1775, in Captain Hart Williams company, thirty first regiment, commanded by Colonel Edmund Phinney. Colonel Phinney led his regiment into Cambridge soon after the battle of Bunker Hill, and Jonathan Sturgis was among the first to march into Boston after its evacuation by the British." (Alonzo Walton Sturgis, 1900.)
( From Goold's "History of Col. Phinney's 31st Regiment of Foot", Col. Phinney was the first regiment raised in the county of Cumberland in the Revolutionary War.)
"Mr. and Mrs. Sturgis came to Gorham from Barnstable about 1769. He took up and cleared, at what is now West Gorham, the farm (the hundred acre lot, 74) on which he lived and on which he died." (McLellan, History of Gorham, ME, 1903.) | STURGIS, Jonathan (I445)